Hm.....why my post has been deleted.
id: 6213898162 | 楼主:Mr_fish12 | 返回首页
id: 126889558761
1L | 作者:Mr_fish12 | 发布于 2019-08-03 00:49

I remember I only post "Hi i am new here" when I back Baidu tieba has already deleted my post
Now I know feeling of my friends in Baidu tieba why it not good same old past

id: 126889854777
3L | 作者:无视我…… | 发布于 2019-08-03 01:20

And I guess that the 2nd floor is hidden because I saw 1 reply in threads list but here I cannot see any post.
Actually I thought it was a miracle when I saw you submit your post successfully last time but unfortunately it was deleted...
Totally agree with you. Usually deleting of a post by Tieba is nonsense...

无视我…… 于 2019-8-3 01:21 id: 126889865969
This is the 3rd floor, so 2nd floor must be hidden and can only be seen by you...
zqh——123 于 2019-8-3 09:32 id: 126892505228
回复 无视我…… :The 2nd floor is mine......dxxn it.
Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-3 16:40 id: 126898519903
Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-3 16:41 id: 126898534552
And would you mind if I ask something about how can I download MF game because i don't understand about address of you saying what it mean for download ?

id: 126890089214
4L | 作者:JJ带我飞 | 发布于 2019-08-03 01:50


FNDS_ID_2019 于 2019-8-3 10:50 id: 126893553815
Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-3 16:42 id: 126898542886

id: 126891820539
5L | 作者:wealth595 | 发布于 2019-08-03 08:26


Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-3 16:42 id: 126898544413

id: 126900704913
6L | 作者:无视我…… | 发布于 2019-08-03 19:14

无视我…… 于 2019-8-3 19:17 id: 126900746985
If you see this image you'd better SAVE it to local because I'm not sure how soon it will be deleted by Tieba.
Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-3 19:42 id: 126901088553
Oh thank you very much !
Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-3 19:42 id: 126901100791
Oh and are you in mario forever remake discord server ?
JJ带我飞 于 2019-8-3 20:21 id: 126901659898
俕偀 于 2019-8-3 21:43 id: 126902981391
The contents in Methos 2 need updating.
俕偀 于 2019-8-3 21:51 id: 126903112279
回复 赫敏🌸格兰杰 :For example, the version of Decasamsara Worlds is too old.
无视我…… 于 2019-8-3 22:22 id: 126903654694
回复 Mr_fish12 :well, I am not in discord server because I'm too busy temporarily...
无视我…… 于 2019-8-3 23:44 id: 126904957763
回复 俕偀 :I will update it when a stable version comes out. Now It's updating too frequently.
小鱼倾城233 于 2019-8-7 14:49 id: 126964477448

id: 126916539681
7L | 作者:大爷23大买卖吗 | 发布于 2019-08-04 18:56

Welcome to MF Bar!

Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-10 04:10 id: 127009402909

id: 126930828778
9L | 作者:纪相瑜 | 发布于 2019-08-05 15:59


CATLINA52 于 2019-8-7 11:14 id: 126961259600

id: 127014172354
10L | 作者:马里奥X7 | 发布于 2019-08-10 12:56


Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-10 18:54 id: 127019413072

id: 127019405655
11L | 作者:初夏物语30 | 发布于 2019-08-10 18:54

nice to meet you

Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-10 18:54 id: 127019415783
Nice to meet you too

id: 127102084109
12L | 作者:b20020702d | 发布于 2019-08-15 19:44

Nice to meet you,welcome to MF Bar!

Mr_fish12 于 2019-8-17 03:30 id: 127123890999